Mar 27, 2008

Grenada, Spain

Heading north to Grenada definitely changed our impression of Spain.  After seeing the coast (which was beautiful), it was time to get a little Spanish culture.  Grenada was a great starting place for that.  

From Grenada you can see the Sierra Nevada mountains and you can definitely tell that the weather there is affected by proximity to these mountains.  We hit the highlights here - the Alhambra and the main cathedral in the heart of town.  Again, the Cathedral just blew us away, with its unique style and architecture.  The Alhambra had a line t
hat ensured we won't be taking children to Disney World anytime soon - this is not a walk up and "wing it" destination.  We learned that the hard way...  

The Alhambra's strategic military location offered stellar views of Grenada below and the mountains to the East.  This city had a great cafe/bar culture with lots of folks hanging out in squares enjoying the best Grenada to offer.  This is a destination to bring your Patience and expect to find things out on your own - ie they lack signs for basic things around the exhibits.  We came across several Norwegian and English families who expressed their disappointment with the organization of these exhibits.  

This was a trip highlight and certainly a worthwhile audible.  For a link to more Grenada pictures click here....  

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