Mar 31, 2008

Algarve, Portugal

Portimao is on the southern coast of Portugal. The beaches are the most beautiful we have seen so far. The rock formations that have been worn away over the last 30 million years are gorgeous. There are many caves, private beaches and wide open sand to explore. The ocean looks tropical - green and blue. We have been able to hear the roar of the ocean from our room and from every beach restaurant. This is an amazing destination to relax and chill out since the month of March has been so tough for us. :)

We have walked along the beach each night to dinner no need for any other form of transport. Last night we did venture out into the little town of Alvor for dinner. The town had many beach side restaurant and what looked like a fun bar scene. We would highly recommend this as a great destination to hang out and take in some fresh fish! Portugal also has been one of the most economical of our destinations, always a nice bonus... :)

It should be mentioned the caves and private beaches do have their down falls. We were
unfortunate enough to see a lot of skin and it was unpleasant. D was taking a video of cave exploration and it came to a very aburpt ending - see video.Thankfully this wasn't as bad as it could have been - which we had the bad luck of experiencing in other countries (Greece, France)...

For Portugal coastal pictures click here...

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