Sep 30, 2007


Our first trip to London together! Day 1 was very solid culminating with a great dinner at Boisdale with some of K's colleauges who had amazing international traveling experiences to share with us. One might argue this could turn out to be the most expensive dinner we've ever had... As this trip was planned last minute, D was able to sneak in some golf during the day. Click here for golf pictures....

The second night made for fun adventures. After walking around in a cold, damp London evening through Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square we stumbled upon a great little Italian restaurant called Giovanni's. When we walked in the crowd was sparse, but by the time we ordered the place was packed; we realized we stumbled upon a true local establishment. The walls were decorated with many pictures of famous people, who had dined at Giovanni's. A short time into dinner I asked K why she was staring at the other table (practically drooling) - she informed me that Miss Ireland was at the table across from us. I asked if we could switch seats - she said no!.... That wasn't our only guest of honor. K noticed that the gentlemen next to us was dining alone, dressed in a top line tuxedo. We asked him if he had attended a function, he frowned and replied - "I was supposed to, but I mixed up my dates. The function was last week!" When learning how I spend my last two days (Sunningdale and Royal St. George's), the gentlemen asked (very jealously) where he could find another one like K. We then retired to a local pub for a quick pint and called it a night....

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