Sep 23, 2007

Apartment Hunting in Zurich

When looking to rent in Zurich some helpful tidbits no one shared with us. Apartments turn over twice during the year in early September and in early March. It is not uncommon for apartments to be rented minutes after going on the market. If you are looking to rent be prepared to commit - immediately!

Since no one shared these nuggets of information we find ourselves in a pickle. We had three choices: 1) stay in a hotel for our extended visit 2) live next to an enormous train yard 3) or live in the middle of Zurich University (note - great location) but on a tram line. We choose the tram line apartment.

Upon reflection we should have asked the following important questions: 1) Does a toddler (who will be called "Tot" for the foreseeable future) live upstairs and did Tot just learn to run? 2) Take a look at the shower and make sure you can fit in the shower. Now add water - can you AND the water fit in the shower? 3) Does the furnished apartment come with curtains? Do the curtains work? 4) When will that Pigeon have babies and move out of our bedroom window sill?

Notes about the apartment for future visitors ear plugs and eye patches are necessary - please provide your own. Our supply will be in use!

1 comment:

Daniel said...


i am glad that i am not the only one who had these kind of strange experiences during my apartment hunting in Zurich. I finally found a place but to share some more information in how to find an apartment here i started a dedicated blog.