Feb 13, 2008

Davos, Switzerland

Known mainly as the host of the World Economic Forum, Davos makes for another typical Swiss outdoorsmen's paradise. The ski mountain is pretty spread out, 3 peaks (1 requiring train transfer) and an additional 3 at neighboring Klosters. You can find just about any terrain on the mountain. It would be a great on a powder day.

On top of one of the peaks rests a large outdoor bar/restaurant that was jammed with people all day. If you've skiied A-basin in Colorado, think of the "beach" at the base and this is the scene here. At this resting point you not only get a perch overlooking Davos and the surrounding Alps, but this is the primary take off point for paragliders. As you sit eat lunch, drink hot chococate, etc. you get to watch these guys run off the mountain and start flying in midair. By early afternoon no less then 15 of these fliers zoomed overhead. If the paragliding did not trigger your eye a quick glance to your right overlooked a snowboard park where dozens of snowboarders and extreme skiers showed off their latest moves.

They say the Swiss really like to relax on the mountain as much as they enjoy skiing. Davos is a great place for it. Besides the location above, a few runs over had a lunch spot w/ lounge chairs in addition to covered park benches for picnics. The town itself seemed pretty underwhelming, at least compared to Wengen or Zermatt. Lots of concrete square architecture, which you don't see much of over here. To see Davos at its best, head up the mountain!

For some additional shots of Davos click here...

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