Jan 7, 2008

Random Smoking Rant Europe in 2008

Not so random if you know us... Smoking is disgusting! It is a vile habit that is a proven killer not only to the smoker but also the innocent by standers. It seems all over Europe everyone smokes and worse then just smoking is walking and smoking! This is very important point since our major form of transportation over the past four months has been our feet. Clueless people just blowing smoke as they stroll down the street and knowingly harming the lunges of everyone in their 100 meter wake. Everyday in every country we have visited the smoking has been an unpleasant and may we say deadly issue. After Atlanta and Chicago we thought we had seen it all (seems that California has spoiled us). The time has come for us to point out our grossest smoking encounters to date.

1) A lady 50 plus, her face looks like a very old leather handbag, wearing a fur coat. She approaches the elevator and then climbs in as the door closes you can start to smell the stench. Once the elevator closes the stench is unbelievable. The womens coat smells like a dead animal being smoked to death.

2) Dinner at a very cool cafe in Budapest. We are running late, don't have reservations and this place has been highly recommended. So we are forced into the unthinkable, sitting in the smoking section. We are seated next to two fairly well dressed older gentlemen. As we sit down you can see they both have yellow teeth (we are talking almost big bird yellow). Gross what could cause this - SMOKING of course. From the moment we sat down to the moment we left they smoked continuously throughout. Food was served, they ate one hand held a folk and in the other the cancer stick. From drinks to desert these two old guys smoked continously, we thought we were on candid camera.

3) Our train ride today. Climbing on board three people are climbing off for a smoke break. Well to say they where climbing off is a bit of a reach - more like lingering on the stairs to smoke. It took them a moment for them to figure our they need to MOVE in order for us to get past them and safely on the train. We attribute this delay in mental processing to the smokes effects on the brain. As luck would have it these three fine people of course where our seat mates. Wonderful! Nothing like the stale smell of cigarettes for our 4 hour train ride. One of our seat mates got off each time the train made a stop to have a cigarettes as well as smoke in the bathroom once. Guess he just could not wait for the next stop.

More to come...

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