Nov 8, 2007

Aarhus, Denmark

What a great little town! This town sits on the island of Jutland (directly north of Germany). Aarhus is dominated by the University, which somehow has 40,000 students. Denmark labels it the "youngest" town in the country and you certainly get that feel walking around. Live music is big in this town; unfortunately we did not get a chance to experience any. Driving in town from the airport shows the Danish countryside at its best. Plenty of windfarms and lush farms dominate your eyesight for miles. The first thing you'll notice pulling into central Aarhus, is the quantity and size of its ships. Shipping is king and at all hours, the harbor is busy. Not too far from the port is the old town center of Dem Gamle By. This quaint community still keeps the old Danish village style and allow tourists to picture what life was like hundreds of years ago. The town is probably best seen by bike (which we didn't do), but can be very manageable afoot. We were lucky enough to stay right on the water (see pics below), but had some laughs as we were locked out of our hotel (with 10 other guests) as the front desk took a break. Hard to explain, but pretty humorous as we had to scatter into different groups to attempt other entrances. If you are ever in Denmark, make a plan to hit this town for a couple days. For some more random pics of Aarhus click here!

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